Afternoon and Evening Programs 2023-24
Branch programs are usually scheduled for the third Wednesday of the
month with an 11:30 a.m. lunch ($15) followed by the program (free) at
12:30 p.m. and held at the Ann Arbor City Club (1830 Washtenaw Avenue).
Time and place exceptions are noted below. Most branch programs are open to the general public. You do not need to be a member of AAUW to attend the program. If you are a member, you can see videos of previous branch programs in the Members Only section of the website.
Wednesday, February 21
Lunch 11:30 AM; Program 12:30 PM
Archives are for Everyone: Outreach at the Bentley
Wednesday, March 20
Lunch 11:30 AM; Program 12:00 NOON
Barbara McQuade, a professor at the UM Law School, former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan and an NBC News and MSNBC legal analyst will discuss her new book, “Misinformation.”
Wednesday, April 17 Evening Program 7-8:30 PM
Annual Meeting Elections, Budget Approval 7:15 PM
Program 7:30 PM
My Life in Jazz: A Woman’s Perspective
Ellen Rowe, jazz pianist and composer, is currently Arthur F. Thurnau
Professor of Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation at the University of
Wednesday, May 8 Spring Awards Luncheon
Check-in 11:30 AM; Lunch 11:45 AM; Program 12:30 PM
Celebrate our NCCWSL scholars, C/U partners and a new Named Gift
Honoree. Donate to AAUW/Branch missions and hear about the University
of Michigan CEW+ (Center for the Education of Women Plus) from
CEW+ Director, Tiffany Marra, and Scholarship Manager, Erin Lane. The
induction of new branch officers for 2024-2025 will take place. Advance
reservation and prepayment for lunch are required.